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BonBonelle CBD Rubbing body balm

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CBD Rubbing body balm - pain reliver. Works great for muscles and joints. For full COA, click here.

BonBonelle CBD+ body balm is infused with shea butter and aloe. It's a restorative, extra-strength CBD-infused moisturizing lotion ideal for post-workout recovery, menstrual cycles and other body woes. Our formula is non-psychoactive and THC free. Help stimulate your blood flow while warming, hydrating and reducing inflammation.

Container Size: 0.5 oz

Potency: 300mg

Serving: For topical use up to four times a day.

Ingredients: Coconut oil, Hemp oil, Shea butter, Beeswax, Ecosoya, Vitamin E, Arnica, Peppermint, and other essential oils.

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BonBonelle CBD Rubbing body balm