CBD Oil for Dogs

CBD Oil for DogsNot only can CBD oil be used for us humans but it can also be useful amongst the animal kingdom. Using hemp oil wisely can be safe for your dog. However, each dog is different. CBD oil will not get your dog high simply because it does not have the chemical THC present (however some may have a low dosage).  Most vets would advise you should not give your dog an intoxicating amount of THC. Dosages will also vary depending on the size of your dog. However, the key use of CBD oil in dogs is for arthritis or similar joint pain.

CBD and Hemp Warehouse is committed to provide top grade CBD products for animals, and this is what they said on the dosage of CBD oil.

  1. Do not give your pet any cannabis oil with more than 0.3% THC (0.2)
  2. Use similar dosages that are recommended on the bottle
  3. Speak to a vet to make sure it is ok for your dog to have the CBD oil.


They may have some concerns, or your dog may already be on some medication where the two will not mix well-may result in your dog getting sick.  Dogs along with humans have an endocannabinoid systems. Animals might process CBD in a different way to us but they may still reap the benefits of using it.

Double-blind placebo trial with dogs suffering from osteoarthritis and multi-joint pain case study-

In a double-blind test, the veterinarian/owner does not know which patient is receiving the placebo and which is receiving the drug. That way they can record results without the bias of knowing which dog gained the improvements.

Sixteen dogs received CBD oil made from industrial hemp or placebo oil every twelve hours for four weeks. The animals for obvious reasons were only observed so a veterinary assessment and owner questionnaires were completed before the treatment and at weeks two and four weeks measuring the animals’ mobility and activity as an indicator of pain level. Blood tests were also performed at each visit.

The results were groundbreaking! According to the researchers, 80% of the dogs taking the CBD oil showed “significant improvement in pain levels and quality of life” without discernible side-effects. Further research as to be done but this is promising.

In regard to CBD oil for dogs and what type to use for your pets try and use THC free CBD products. This is to avoid marijuana toxicosis. However, dogs with severe underlying issues such as cancer, etc can use medical cannabis. Especially if they are in great pain.

CBD oil with 0.3 percentage THC generally will not harm your animal. But more research should be done to confirm this. In addition, Terpenes present in CBD oil can be harmful to pets so stay clear of these.

Side note: Watch the dosage with your dog it may cause bad side effects.